Identify Real Problems
We use our research-backed tools created based on more than a century of combined experience to baseline where organizations are in relation to where they want to go. We recognize, honor, and document clients’ journeys to build on positive practices and seize opportunities for improvement.

Develop Powerful Solutions
Based on data gathered from our ENGAGE process, we convene organizational leaders through a series of workshops to identify strengths and opportunities for growth, questions to answer moving forward, and a clear story about what is happening in the community our clients exist to serve.

Create Organic Leadership Structures Where Each Person Accepts Responsibility for the Whole
We provide an Action Plan that includes a vision for what the organization wants to achieve, common language for leadership and stakeholders, and a story about how our clients will show up in the community by operationalizing the plan. We know organizational change big and small is never easy, which is why we continue to work alongside our clients to make best practices second nature, consistently communicate internally and externally, and build staff readiness to rock inclusive, equitable leadership.